cultureNOW interns Miriam Roure Parera, Nick Zimmmerman, Zhanina Boyadzhieva, Adelene Tan, Blanca Abramek, and Guanpeng Gao with President Abby Suckle and Vice President Anne Lewison at Ground Zero, New York City in 2013
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Join the cultureNOW Volunteer Program and contribute to the MuseumWithoutWalls mission to inspire and engage! Connect with other art and architectural enthusiasts, historians, and urban archeologists, share your knowledge, and become a part of our community. We welcome the opportunity to get to know you. Please send us a cover letter and resume to
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cultureNOW offers an immersive 9 week internship program during the summers for students. The program is designed to supplement and enhance the academic experience and allow students to meet practitioners, curators and historians. There is always a project and a public program. Students are paid a stipend for their participation. cultureNOW does not offer housing. The program has been offered since 2003 in New York, since 2012 in Boston, and in 2013 and 2014 in Los Angeles. Students who are interested in applying should send a cover letter and resume to
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Interested in joining us full or part time? Please send a resume and cover letter to We are always on the lookout for curators, historians, writers, photographers, who can help us grow and maintain our digital collection.
cultureNOW Interns - Soha Momeni, Chuanchuan Tang, Kevin Yan, and Lindsey Miller at AIALA, Los Angeles
Is there a work of public art, architecture or a historical place that you think belongs in our collection? Let us know.