The story was advertised on August 21, 1835, as an upcoming feature allegedly reprinted from The Edinburgh Courant.In 1835, the New York Sun published a six-part series, about civilization on the moon. The “Great Moon Hoax”, ostensibly reprinted from the Edinburgh Courant, was falsely attributed to the work of Sir John Herschel, one of the best known astronomers of the time.Whatever it took to sell newspapers.
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The Great Balloon Hoax-Poe may have been inspired by an earlier hoax published by the same newspaper, the "Great Moon Hoax" of 1835, with which he had personal grievances.
From the Italian version of The Great Moon Hoax. Leopoldo Galluzzo, Altre scoverte fatte nella luna dal Sigr. Herschel (Other lunar discoveries from Signor Herschel), Napoli, 1836
From the Italian version of The Great Moon Hoax. Leopoldo Galluzzo, Altre scoverte fatte nella luna dal Sigr. Herschel (Other lunar discoveries from Signor Herschel), Napoli, 1836
1835 - Lunar animals and other objects
1835 - Comic scene involving balloons and people surveying the Moon
Pulcinella's departure for the moon (Partenza di Pulcinella per la luna)
Discoveries made in the moon by Mr. Herschell
Pulcinella's return from the moon
Stagecoach returning from the moon / Gaetana Dura, dis. ; Lit. Gatti and Dura.