Upon acquiring a new consolidated 12 -acre corporate campus, Allianz Life Insurance needed an impressive design that both show-cased the campus and addressed site constraints. To alleviate some of the noise and activity at the new location, a premium was placed on the creation of an abundant and buffering landscape. Phase II of the Allianz Life Insurance campus centers on an expansive outdoor courtyard that meets all of these needs. A diverse combination of gathering spaces facilitates meetings and recreation among Allianz employees and their visitors in an atmosphere that invites casual mingling and inventiveness. Allianz Life USA Corporate Headquarters has several unique factors that make it award-worthy: The landscape architect successfully worked within the phasing framework to carve out and create dynamic and sophisticated spaces within a corporate campus that respond to the needs of Allianz employees. The interior courtyard offers repose from the workday and took its form by means of composing campus buildings to create an intimate area that is both elegant and playful. The design intent clearly reflects the landscape architect`s desire to address the needs of employees and visitors to create an atmosphere that invites socialization and inspiration. The landscape architect played a crucial role in crafting engaging public and private spaces through the design of fun and lively programming, lush and relaxing environments and an aesthetically intriguing site formation.