A retired British soldier who served as an American general during the Revolutionary War. He took credit for the American victory in the Battles of Saratoga (1777) – a matter of contemporary and historical controversy – and was blamed for the defeat at the Battle of Camden in 1780. Gates has been described as "one of the Revolution's most controversial military figures" because of his role in the Conway Cabal, which attempted to discredit and replace General George Washington; the battle at Saratoga; and his actions during and after his defeat at Camden.
Died, Apr 10, 1806
Installed, Oct 21, 2012
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In memory of Horatio Gates Revolutionary War Major General First Adjutant General of the Continental Army Victor at Saratoga Buried 1806 in an unmarked grave in this historic churchyard Erected by the New York State Organization Daughters of the American Revolution Oct. 24, 2012