The Horace Mann School, one of New York`s most respected independent schools, is located on an 18-acre campus a short distance from Manhattan. Gruzen Samton • IBI Group developed a comprehensive master plan for the campus and designed a new five-story middle school and arts/dining facility. Renovations were completed in several campus buildings and a new facade was installed on a key academic building. Gruzen Samton • IBI Group's campus plan unified the various facades that define the school's main quadrangle, and the new buildings were designed to harmonize with the collegiate Gothic style of the older buildings. The layout also accommodates the steep, hilly site and succeeds in creating a central gathering space (positioned between the existing and new architecture) surrounded by the new arts facilities. As the central circulation core, the quadrangle functions as both a physical and thematic hub; the heart of the school is now firmly rooted in the arts. Arts & Dining Building Placing the Arts at the Center of Community Includes a campus art gal- lery, studios (painting, drawing, ceramics, photography, print making and sculpture), music department studios (orchestra rehearsal, choral practice, recording), a 224-seat performance hall, 300-seat dining hall, separate faculty dining room, enclosed link to a middle school bookstore, and a 52,000-sf additional space.