Working with the Charles River Conservancy, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and the LEF foundation, I have worked on illuminating the bridges that cross the Charles river between Boston and Cambridge.
So far, we have two bridges permanently illuminated, the Larz Anderson Bridge, and the Weeks Memorial footbridge.
Working with very limited budget, these projects are accomplished by using off the shelf industrial lighting, mounted close onto the bridge structure and energized with existing power systems.
Plans call for continuing down the Charles, with temporary lighting for special events a part of this illumination of one of America’s most historic rivers.
Nine bridges connect Boston and Cambridge across the Charles River.
Beginning in 1910, the antiquated and dangerous draw span bridges built as early as the late 18th century were replace with modern structures. Three of the bridges took their inspiration from elegant 17th century Parisian models. Pictured here is an illumination of those three bridges along with the Lars Anderson Bridge, linking Harvard Square to Boston.’