One of the nicest residential streets in Inglewood is West Ellis which features a series of small modern houses. The highlight is probably the three houses designed by Rudolph Schlindler with Richard Lind as the project architect. Schlindler designed several very iconic Los Angeles houses such as the Lovell Beach House for a wealthy couple who could afford money and a specacular site. Schlindler was very interested in post war housing. He was especially interested in looking for ways to make inexpensive houses out of cheap material. He experimented with different construction techniques adapting wood frame construction into what was called 'Schindler Frame' construction. He believed that the inside and outside should blend into each other; gardens and natural light became incorporated into the design. The same materials were used throughout. Plywood, for instance, was used for walls and built-in furniture. One of the houses was sold to architect Stephen Ehrlich in 2009 who did a complete restoration. Landscape design by Stefan Hammerschmidt who removed the plantings and recreated the natural desert landscape that would have originally existed. Now owned by Ehrlich's daughter, Onna Ehrlich-Bell, and her husband Joel Bell. The adjacent house was purchased by Kali Nikitas and Richard Shelton.