The Pleasantville Station features twenty-two cast bronze sculptural chairs. The pieces represent various types of seating and decor. They are arranged and grouped together throughout the station overpass and waiting area. Artists Kane Chanh Do and Jane Greengold, who created "Almost Home," explain: "In this suburb of New York City, we have re-created, in bronze, chairs likely to be found in the homes of the commuters who use the station, bringing some of the comforts of home out to meet the riders, making the station almost like home, and reminding riders that they, too, are almost home. Because the chairs look so life-like, so much like wood and upholstery fabric, they create a humorous, trompe l'oeil effect." To complete the domestic setting, nearby is a bronze replica of a copy of "Reader's Digest Magazine," which, for most of its history, was published in Pleasantville. An MTA Arts for Transit Project.
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