"The light of Liberty shines through the Book of History. This Book is open to the memory of the heroes of September 11, 2001. The eternal affirmation of Freedom is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, as seen by million of emigrants coming to America. In the left-hand page, is inscribed the dramatic beam salvaged from the World Trade Centre attack. The latitude of New York is connected to the centre of Padua as the vertical hinge of the Book. The Book is luminous, as is the low and expressive wall which creates an intimate place for meditation. The luminosity of this ‘beacon` will be modulated in subtle rhythms. The Book is delicately balanced between the historical buildings of Padua, the bridge, the waterway. The proposal also includes the re-discovery of the historical masonry wall in the creation of a place that is both memorable and uplifting. This special place will glow day and night, and throughout the seasons of the year."