The Blue Garden provides a serene and striking intersection of learning, life, and reflection. Tucked into the green space between the School of Law, Old Main, and Bush Library, the Blue Garden will be a private and secluded space for reflection, introspection, and peace. The garden`s perfect-circle shape, planted with perennial flowers in shades of blue, evokes the continuing circle of life and growth, crossed with paths to symbolize choices made or roads yet to be taken. The bluestone wall represents an interruption to that circle - by conflict, by loss, or by choices made. The rushing water symbolizes moving through loss, but never moving past it. A lone, majestic oak tree represents the growth of the soul through our learning, loss, and reflection. The garden was designed to celebrate the life of Tammy Osnes, but it should also be a place of reflection for the losses of all students and act as a helpful place of healing for those parents who have lost their children. It contains a variety of elements that will help to provide an air of contemplative calm and introspection for members of the immediate family, the Hamline community, and anyone who has lost a family member.
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