“Sonic Fireflies,” is an interactive sound and light installation created by renowned architect and composer Christopher Janney. Inspired both by the flashes of fireflies and the sounds of the sea, “Sonic Fireflies” is a permanent installation that creates an enchanting and engaging welcome to the resort`s OceanSide walkway overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. This one-of-a-kind artwork created exclusively for Revel is composed of numerous elements. First, as passersby enter the space, they will hear a series of environmental sound tracks – from breaking ocean waves, seagulls chirping and calls of children playing, to deep water sounds such as whales, porpoises and “mermaids.” Then, by walking beneath one of the 63 “electronic fireflies,” they will trigger soft accents of flutes, marimbas, tabla drums and oboes paired with the flash of a colored light. Each firefly unit contains a small audio speaker, a full-color computer-controlled LED light and sonar-sensor detecting movement throughout the space. At certain times of the day, structured patterns of light and sound, or “The Ghost” as Janney calls it, will also appear to simulate a group of fireflies flying through the space all at once. “‘Sonic Fireflies` is a sonic portrait of a soothing ocean oasis; a place of creative stimulation,” said Janney, who has also created installations in a number of large public spaces including the Dallas, Boston, Miami and Sacramento airports, as well as the New York City subway. “All my scores change on any given time or day so it keeps the space interesting and refreshing for guests.” “Sonic Fireflies is my favorite installation on the entire property, especially in the morning,” said Creative Director Mitch Gorshin. “The sense of enchantment, whimsy and peacefulness that is created as a result of human engagement is nothing less than dreamlike. Christopher Janney is the coolest artist/composer one could ever meet. His command of sound, light, trends and the understanding of the human spirit is clearly evident in all that he creates. REVEL is without question, honored to curate the work of Christopher Janney and we are proud of this unique opportunity to share his work with all of our guests.”