The Sun commented on November 29, 1896 “Probably no other building in the city, which has been used for public purposes, has created so much discussion as the present Register’s office.” The newspaper denounced it saying “It has been pronounced unsafe the by Building Department, unhealthy by the Board of Health, and inadequate for the work intended for it by those in charge of the records of the metropolis. That it is all of these a trip through its musty, ill-smelling rooms would convince the most inexperienced.”The Daughters of the American Revolution. On April 15, 1901 the women enthusiastically unveiled a bronze plaque that was intended to focus attention on the history of the building and push for its preservation. The inscription was full of historical inaccuracies, however, and the newspapers reveled in mocking the group.The Sun called a “hideous example of the brown stone age, the old Hall of Records,” was demolished in 1903.