This memorial and tiny park are named for Isidore and Ida Straus--he a former congressman and onetime co-owner of Macy's--who died on the Titanic in 1912. The memorial here to Ida Straus, which depicts her reclining elegantly, commemorates her decision to remain with her husband on board the sinking ship rather than leave on a lifeboat with the women and children.
An endowment established by the Straus family funded the transformation of a neglected reflecting pool in front of the sculpture into a planting bed.
Bronze 1913 statue by American artist Augustus Lukeman
Straus Park is a small landscaped park on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, at the intersection of Broadway, West End Avenue, and 106th Street.
Gazing over a calm expanse of water
The Isador and Ida Straus Memorial in New York commemorates the former co-owner of Macy’s department store, who perished with his wife in the sinking of the Titanic.
The model for the statue was Audrey Munson
The park exists on a small triangle of land at the intersection of Broadway and West End Avenue