First elephant to set foot in North America was exhibited by Jacob Crowninshield who paid $450 for her in Bengal, India; she was resold for $10,000
Arrived, Apr 13, 1796
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'Old Bet', the first elephant in the U.S., arrived in NY aboard the America, brought from Bengal by Captain Jacob Crowninshield. She was later sold to showmen and exhibited along the East Coast, performing tricks like uncorking bottles. Eventually owned by Hachaliah Bailey, she inspired early American circuses. Her death, between 1816 and 1827, remains unclear, with conflicting reports on location.
Departed, Dec 3, 1795
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On November 2, 1795, Captain Crowninshield’s journal read: “We take home a fine young elephant two years old, at $450.00. It is almost as large as a very large ox, and I dare say we shall get it home safe, if so it will bring at least $5000.We shall at first be obliged to keep it in the southern states until it becomes hardened to the climate.” America sailed from Calcutta with its live cargo on December 3, 1795.
A monument to her stands outside the Elephant Hotel in Somers, New York.