Immediately after Igor Fokin's death, a memorial fund was established and several benefits were held to raise money for the pupeteer's family. There was a tremendous outpouring of money, condolences and support from the local community and friends of the family in the months following his passing. At the base of the granite pedestal which "DooDoo" (Igor's favorite puppet) sits on, are three bronze bricks with a memorial inscription. The plaque not only memorializes Igor, but pays tribute to all street performers. The location of the memorial is on the corner of One Brattle Square, where Igor worked most often and performed his final show. It was designed so as to not interfere or make it difficult for other performers to use the spot for future shows. A graduate of the St. Petersburg Theatrical Institute in Russia, Fokin moved to Cambridge, MA in the summer of 1993 and was instantly surrounded by mesmerized admirers. Children and adults were captivated by the intricate, gentle and life-like character of his creations. By the end of the summer, he had established himself as one of the most popular acts in the Boston area. In the summer of 1996, he performed at the Olympic festivities in Atlanta.