The Revolutionary War finally concluded on November 25, 1783. There was a party at Fraunces Tavern hosted by Governor George Clinton. Then the British flag was taken down at Bowling Green and a large flotilla of ships carrying British troops and sympathizers departed New York Harbor. Nine days George Washington held an elaborate 'turtle feast' for his officers in the Long Room. At the time it was considered de rigeuer for sea captains who voyaged to the West Indies to capture one of the 300 pound (or more) sea turtles and return home with this souvenir. Considered the epitome of haute cuisine in Colonial America (and England), grand banquets were created around these humble animals transforming the turtle feast into a symbol of refined taste, indulgence and high status, an appropriate victory meal for a successful revolution. Washintgon's farewell speech was said to be very emotional and involved a lot of hugging.